I knew when I clicked on this anime, I was going to regret it. After my run in with Interviews with Monster Girls, I said “Never again!” And yet, Elliot and I were sitting there on a Friday evening… Watching this… Because as soon as I saw a centaur girl on the front, I knew this was going to happen. We were just going to have to watch this.
A Centaur’s Life shows us the everyday life of Hime, a centaur (do I really need to explain this?). Hime does a lot of stuff; she hands out with her friends, she goes to school, she… Does stuff! If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be half human and half horse, this anime is for you bud!
The Good:
Yes, much to your surprise there were things I actually did like about this anime. Namely, I like that I could tell the writer put a lot of thought into the world around their characters. This anime takes place in a sort-of second world setting where it’s the same earth but our population consists of humanoids; half animal peoples, angelic and demonic peoples and even some snakes thrown in there because why not?
This world surely sounds ridiculous, but if you paid attention, you noticed that they put care into how these people would dress, how much they’d need to eat, what their work/school environments looked like and even what sort of cultural practices made sense for their race; i.e. centaurs and archery. It was honestly a very well-thought out world that I could appreciate and admire as a viewer.
The Bad:
I… Yeah… So there were a few things. Namely, this is yet again another monster girl anime that just decided to be even more ridiculous. But besides them jumping on this bandwagon, I really didn’t feel like there was a story. At times, I felt inspired, but other times I felt like the title wasn’t kidding me. I was surprised I wasn’t watching Hime do even more boring tasks like brushing teeth.
I mean, this anime went as so far as to have a literal rendition of WWII and showed us an honest-to-god internment camp. I’m not making this up. That is in this anime. And while there was nothing wrong with this, it just felt so out of place. It showed you that this world was so deep, but we didn’t even get into it that much because people would rather watch this centaur go to gym class like? I don’t? Know? Overall, it just was super anti-climactic and I feel bad because a lot of thought really was put into this world.
Kitty Review:
Yeah I just feel odd after watching this anime, and rather indifferent to it as well. While I can admire where the creator’s were coming from I don’t feel like I gained anything. At the end of the day, it felt like it was just another anime jumping on the monster girls trend, and I’m not about that noise.
Elliot wept.
Do you like monster girls? Is this a trend you want to see grow? Leave a comment and let me know!
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