Yeah because who doesn’t want to cry at three in the morning watching an anime? I thought this was going to be some childish loli thing, but no. It just had to get deep.
Konohana Kitan has everyone’s favorite things; fox girls. A level lower than neko girls. But these aren’t just any kind of fox girls. They work at a hotel called Konohanatei. This hotel is in a spirit plane that serves the gods and occasionally gets humans. Each episode, our protagonist Yuzu learns more about her new home and the guests who come through it.
The Good:
At first glance, I thought this was just some cute girl anime. I honestly didn’t think it would be some sort of emotional roller coaster. I mean, it was just one cute clumsy fox girl at first, you know?
But no, this anime has a lot to offer. While it does follow the story of Yuzu, each episode is a different story that comes with each guest. These stories are not only clever and well thought out, but they also are it so hard not to love the consistent characters residing at Konohanatei.
Also it’s kind of gay.
The Bad:
I… Really had to fish for bad stuff about this one. If fox girls aren’t your thing, maybe you’ll stay away from this anime all together. The characters are pretty standard; we’ve seen their personalities before.
That being said, I really do feel like some of these stories are worth it. If you want to look past some of the more standard attributes to cute anime, this anime has something going on.
Kitty Review:
I think this deserves a good rating. I mean, I did cry a fair amount of times. Elliot was a little salty that they weren’t cat girls (and I think they reminded him of his sisters) but he came around.
Watch this anime if you want to feel again.
Who’s your favorite fox girl pairing? Tell me in the comment section!
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