We finally made it friends. We now have an anime about drinking. That’s literally what this entire short anime is about. Seeing as I’ve just turned 21 this past September, I was pretty intrigued by the kind of drinks I’d find. But wait, there’s more…
Love is Like a Cocktail is yet another short anime. Each episode follows a woman named Chi who works as a major editor and holds a lot of responsibility. At work, her hair is up, she barely talks and she works diligently. But at home, her husband, a bartender, makes her amazing drinks to help put her hair down.
The Good:
I really liked that this was a story about a married couple who have a mutual understanding about each other. Chi isn’t very talkative and still seems sort of shy with her husband, but he doesn’t mind that. Just like how she doesn’t mind how forward he is.
I also liked the portrayal of working women, to an extent. I thought it was really cool to see a woman who was in such a position and had a husband who supported her. We usually get men in these business positions and women working more standard office jobs. It was refreshing.
The Bad:
I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of drinking. This may have influenced how I viewed the anime overall. I didn’t really like the notion that Chi could only relax with her own husband if she didn’t drink. The idea seemed a bit toxic to me.
I also am unsure whether I like this idea that working women are uptight in the first place. While I liked Chi’s duality in how she could be a totally different person when she drinks, which many people are, I’m not sure I like the stereotype.
Kitty Review:
This wasn’t a bad anime, don’t get me wrong. And honestly, the stereotypes didn’t even bother me that much. Elliot and I even learned some cool new drinks to try now that I’m of age! But overall, this wasn’t really my pick of poison.
What’s your favorite drink? Leave the recipe in the comments below!
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