So the Whole Cake Islan Arc is over for One Piece, but I still have a lot of feelings while the anime recaps our favorite series while we set up the next story. As you already know from various posts, I absolutely love reading into One Piece and the various hints Oda gives his fans; thus, I would like to do a deep analysis on what just happened with this last arc. As a writer, Oda has certainly changed over the years and i feel Whole Cake is a huge testament to that. However, it’s such a long arc that I think one long post just wouldn’t do it justice. That’s why I’ve decided to create a little thread going over a few things that I’ve noticed, while also clarifying some of my older posts now that we’re finally finished.
Here’s a list of the current posts I’ll be working on:
Katakuri Paralleled To Luffy
Big Mom & The Women of Whole Cake Island
Chiffon & Bege – A Love Story
Romance in One Piece – A Continuation
Pudding – Final Analysis
Pound Vs Judge – How Fathers Compare
Nami’s Upgrade And What It Could Mean
With each post, I’ll come back and update the link; consider this your index for the series. Also keep in mind that I do intend for the list to get longer. There are just so many exciting tings to go over and I look forward to writing about them!
If there is something in specific you’d like to see analyzed or written about, let me know in the comment section and I’ll be more than happy to add it on!
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