Otakon Vegas 2017 is going to be here in Las Vegas this weekend and I’m ready to do this thing! I’ve been talking about this since Sabakon and I’ve never actually been to Otakon Vegas before so I’m excited for the opportunity to go!
I will be there to do coverage for another outlet, but while there I’m hoping to get some shots of cosplayers to feature on the blog exclusively! It’s not necessarily going to be an article, as my coverage for the con is exclusive to Las Vegas Informer (I will link the article on here) but I wanted to showcase cosplayers, as that is something Elliot and I are big on!
Please feel free to come up and say hi! Elliot will not be there, as he is just a baby and a cat, but I will have our business cards which do have his face on them so don’t be shy and feel free to take pictures of my cosplays as well!
On a side note, if you are a fellow anime blogger and you would like to work with me, exchange links to our blogs or have a project you’d like a fellow blogger to endorse/talk about with, or something completely different, don’t hesitate to come up and discuss it with me there! I will be happy to exchange contact information. You can also do this any time outside of the convention, as all my contact information is posted on the site.
Thank you guys for your loyal viewership, and I look forward to seeing you at Otakon Vegas 2017!
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