Summer Anime 2017!

Another summer is here to greet us! In Las Vegas this means it’s time for the heat to boil our faces off and Elliot to shed more fur than I thought possible. Of course, not all is lost! We always have anime! And so, here is the list of new anime that your favorite kitty and I will be doing this summer.

A Centaur’s Life

You just couldn’t let it die could you? You just had to keep begging and begging for more like a bunch of dogs at the dinner table. And now look where we are. Look at what you’ve done. Look at what you’ve cursed us all with.

I suppose I’m going against popular opinion since it seems like everyone finds this anime to be adorable. And I suppose I can see the appeal. Hey man, neko girls are dead right? We’ve evolved as a species to get to this point. Horse girls is where its at now for the cool kids.

Well you’re lucky I care about my readers otherwise I wouldn’t give this anime the light of day. I will watch this anime diligently and, much to my dismay, there will be a review of it up on this blog. I guess anything will do after Spiritpact, but still… We should have just stopped at the first fifty monster girl anime guys, come on.

My First Girlfriend is a Gal

I… Don’t know what I think about this anime upon my first initial reaction. To be honest, I don’t know if I should even touch it. So far it has some pretty risky humor, which I actually don’t mind, but it does it in a way that I’m not entirely sure I like just yet.

Still, I do see an odd charm to it. Romcoms are fairly entertaining and I can’t really see myself having too bad a time based off the first episode. Again, I’ll have to see where it goes with its choice of humor and how it’s utilized, but thus far I think I can stomach this.

Tsuredure Children 

‘Tis the summer for all the awkward love stories, my dears! If there’s any major theme I’ve seen with this particular season it’s that there are a lot of anime about people dying and traveling to other worlds and awkward, funny romances abundant.

This is the one that definitely takes the cake when it comes to any kind of romantic comedies. The entire thing is literally a compilation of a various relationships. So far? I love it. It’s been humorous, wholesome and adorable and that’s just the first episode alone. I’m so ready for it. Let’s do it.


I was surprised to find that I really like the first episode for this. I don’t know what vibe I originally got, but I was worried it was just going to be another harem about a nerdy guy that finds himself in a weird situation. I wasn’t ready for that redundancy. But boy was I wrong!

The first episode was definitely eye-catching enough to make me want to stick to the anime. Although, I will say, with all of these funny love stories this season I have to wonder if I’m going to get bored. There is by far already too many romances on this list but they all seemed pretty good thus far.

Netsuzou Trap -NTR- 

So this… Anime…

I’m sure we all thought that I would be super excited about it. To be fair, I was when I was first notified about its existence… But to be very honest after the first episode I am a little worried. Thus far, I sort of get a fetish vibe about it, and I really don’t jive with that kind of anime.

However, I think this is exactly the kind of anime I need to watch. Is it going to be one of my favorites? I doubt it. What I will say is that so far the relationship between the two girls almost seems to be abusive and as hard as that may be to watch, it’s not bad representation. In fact, we need some representation when it comes to abuse in same-sex relationships. I can’t completely condemn it just yet, but I do not have a good feeling about it. Be ready for blood.

Knight’s & Magic

I’m excited for this one! If you know anything about me, you know I love fantasy. It’s the other half of my career. So when anime and fantasy combine, it usually amounts to the stuff of dreams for me. Fantasy-themed anime is probably my favorite thing in the world. I’m ready.

I liked this first episode, though I will say I was a little disappointed with the origin story. It reminded me a lot of GATE and I couldn’t get through that one because of how… Stale it was. I get really bored with the “otaku becomes a bad ass and leads a new life of adventure where his absurd skills suddenly apply” trope. It feels a little silly to me. Once I got beyond that, I thought it was pretty okay. Still, I will save my final opinion for the review!

Well, my lovely fair readers, that is the list for the summer season of 2017! I’m so excited for all of the new shows coming out as well as the awesome stuff Ashley’s Anime is looking to bring to you. Elliot and I will see you soon!

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