And here we are again! Another new year and a new season of anime to check out and have a lot of fun with! Since I actually find this season to be more than enjoyable so far, I’m going to be doing more than my usual four reviews. It might be a little tricky, but Elliot and I picked out a lot of fun stuff to cover and are looking forward to all of it!
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid:
This anime is everything I could have ever asked for; next to Izetta, that is. At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect because the title seemed random and confusing. And then I found out the title really did convey the entire plot of this anime. It’s literally about a dragon, named Toru, who is the maid of Ms. Kobayashi. No literally, that is what this anime is. And I fully expect this anime to become one of my favorites. It’s like late night blogging/fanfiction writing became its own anime and I cannot, for even one second, ignore this. It had to be on my list, and so it shall be! Elliot and I have very high hopes for it!
Interviews with Monster Girls:
So, to be very honest, I was expecting something along the lines of Monster Musume not only because it was about monster girls, but also because it looked like another bad harem. So far, according to the first two episodes I’ve watched, I was half right. While it follows the story of high school monster girls versus adult monster girls (women???) I don’t really know if that makes this any better? I mean, it revolves around them and their biology teacher so… I’m sort of struggling with what kind of plot this is going to be. So far the teacher isn’t doing anything creepy and isn’t returning feelings (though most the men in harems never really do) but… I don’t know. I really don’t know what to expect with this anime. I feel like I’m going to hate it but another part of me already loves the little vampire so let’s just hope for the best.
What. Is. This.
What even is this anime? Judging from the first episode, I really do truly believe, from the very core of my being, that this is someone’s yoai fanfiction come to life. And unlike the dragon maid anime, I don’t think this was a good fanfiction. I sincerely feel like I’ve read this Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic before one late night that was filled with regret. And while I didn’t even understand what was going on in this first episode, which may be because everything bounced around so much, I am going to give it a chance. A chance, okay? I don’t think I’m going to like it, but the worst that can happen is I will rip into it on my cat blog so that’s not the end of the world. On the other hand, I may be giving up a piece of my soul by just watching this. It’ll be like Super Lovers all over again… I don’t think I can take that torture anymore.
Nyanko Days:
THIS IS IT BOYS! THIS IS WHAT WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! I am so hyped for this, and apparently so is Elliot. He is a cat after all, so can you really blame him? To be honest, while it is another short anime, I really do feel like it’s going to fill that void Kaju Girls left me from last season. I gotta say, this trend of short anime is really nice in its own unique way because I can spend a few moments in my day watching something a bit mindless that makes me smile. And boy oh boy to neko girls make my pearly whites gleam! In all seriousness, this looks like it’ll be adorable and I sincerely look forward to the little moments in my day where I get to see adorable cat girls on my screen.
Saga of Tanya the Evil:
I think Tanya is the reflection of the very dark version of myself. It is another war themed anime, and while I’ve never really been a huge fan of that genre myself, I do think I will like and appreciate this anime. Not only does it seem interesting but I think Tanya is everything all women and young girls should aspire to be. She is now my self-appointed guardian… Maybe. Anywho, while I’m not really into the entire plot so far, and it did lose me at times, I do like the character and I think it’ll make for an interesting anime to review. Elliot likes the explosions anyway, so may as well watch for the entertainment of the kitty!
Now this one I am super fascinated in because it isn’t like your normal anime. SMIRAL Animation is here to bring us a virtual anime experience where we get to be the protagonists ourselves! I’ve never actually watched an anime like this, but I’m very excited to watch OneRoom purely because I love otome games! Now, to be fair, I feel like the episodes are too short for what the project is trying to convey. But I might get into more as this new project goes on. I picked this one because I don’t really review otome games and this is as close as I’m going to get. So gosh darn it, I’m gonna take it!
I’m really looking forward to this season, as it looks like it’s going to be filled with mostly good anime. And while I’ve chosen to take on more anime to review this time around, I’m sure it’s going to be a fun experience so be sure to subscribe and revisit for more! As per usual, we will have a seasonal review done around the time the anime season ends so please stay tuned to check out our posts. Gifs, puns and cats galore, we will have it all on this site!
What anime are you guys watching for the winter season?
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