I promise I have a slew of fantastic, funny articles coming out in the next couple of weeks, but for now, here, have some cool links to articles I think you’ll like! Why do I think you’ll like them? Because I like them. Duh.
- Japanator had a really nice article on different adaptations that I think you guys will really like. I personally have never been fond of live action adaptations from animes for some reason, but this article may have shown me the light… Okay I may have lied. I probably won’t watch a live action adaptation again for another… Uh… When do the cicadas come out from the ground again? Eighteen years? Okay, maybe around then.
- Japanator also had yet another article that I totally agree with! In honor of International Women’s day, here’s a reflection of women in anime! I actually have an article similar to this in the freezer just waiting to be cooked, so… Hold up. And again it’s similar so that means the triangle looks alike but it’s not the same size, area or perimeter. Geology people. Learn some.
- This morning I woke up thinking, “Gosh, I need more One Piece.” I looked at my wallet with Luffy screaming on it, I looked at my phone case which was covered in the crew’s wanted posters, I looked over at my figure stand which has an entire section dedicated to One Piece figures, and I snuggled up with my One Piece pillow, Tony and Sanji stuffies and mumbled, “Yes… More One Piece…” So you can imagine what’s next on Ashley’s list to buy when I saw this on Anime News Network!
- Wanna take a quiz to prove what a real noob to anime you are? Yeah, well… Anime News Network also provided that this week. I failed, just so you know. Don’t judge, I can hardly recognize my own face in the morning as I stare at my soulless, soulless eyes. There is no Ashley. Only Zuel.
- Moving on, I have a pretty cool article for you guys from one of my (school girl sigh) idols in journalism. I write nothing like this woman, but I still find her blog to be amazing. Plus, it’s not every day an American weeb such as ourselves gets to travel to the land of yaoi and tentacles galore! Check out Lauren Orsini’s second day in Japan! I’d also advise following this travelogue as she continues onward through the holy land of… Weeb.
- Last but not least, I found something amazing on Etsy that I think you all can appreciate. I won’t say much about it, because I think you should seriously click on that link, but you can thank me later!
Okay, that’s all the news I felt like reading because I’m traveling and tired. If you want more get a Twitter or look for it yourself; I’m not your mamma bird here to regurgitate anime media into your still developing stomachs (literally the definition of blogs/news in general most of the time). Moving on! Read other people’s writing because my writing is not completely finished yet.
Have other cool news you want me to look at? Too bad. I want to commit the sin of Sloth and not look at news like I’m being taught to do in my media studies class. Go home. (Or post your news in the comments!)
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