Good evening one and all! This summer has certainly been going by slowly with a ton of work on my end so tonight I will be giving you all a bit of an update.
Of course, Ashley’s Anime has released what anime Elliot and I will be reviewing this summer, but we will also be maintaining some new posts for your pleasure! First, here’s a little bit about what’s going on in my life and what it will mean for the site:
This year, I will be incredibly busy. Usually, between journalism and Black Moor, I have enough on my hands. Starting this school year, I also will have the awesome opportunity to work as an intern for a local publication here in Vegas while also maintaining a part-time job. Yes, yes I am a little insane.
Oh yeah, and this is happening! I’m publishing a book!
Honestly, publishing a book is really a whole new ball game for me, but I’m so ready for it I can’t even wait. It’s been a dream for so long and I hope it will help Black Moor reach new heights. To have been running Black Moor for over a year now while also managing this… It’s so incredible and I can’t thank my team enough.
That being said, I’ve been given some amazing opportunities and I cannot wait to get to work. I’m extremely grateful for the chance to even be this busy. But this does take a toll on my flexibility and certainly with what I’m able to do on this site.
Do not fear, Ashley’s Anime isn’t going anywhere! Me and my fur baby are staying right here. However, we are going to bring on another new friend to the team. While our Admiral gets ready to set sale, Gerald-sempai is going to be taking over some new perspectives this blog hasn’t been able to delve into before.
Gerald will be managing topics such as “anime you should’ve already watched” and popular series such as One Piece or My Hero Academia. I usually write on these topics for other sites. So this will be a great opportunity for the blog to be more inclusive and diverse; I’m sure we’ll all love Gerald-sempai’s posts. He’s going to be posting every Tuesday so come back to check him out!
In fact, you can read his first one here! So go do that!
Thank you all for being loyal readers. Running this site has been a dream and I’m happy to have friends here to help with content and posting. I look forward to our future!
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