Welcome back to the relaunch of Ashley’s Anime! For those of you who’re just joining us and are slightly confused, let me explain what happened.
In my previous blog post, I explained that I would be re-branding the former site known as Geekery Gears! If you want to see my reasons for why this happened, just read the post.
In the meantime, I’ll be explaining the new changes to Ashley’s Anime and how to fully experience this site; you can also find these instructions on this page!
Not much has really changed in terms of how this site ran before. Some segments, such as Anime Hero of the Month, may become a yearly thing as it does take up a lot of time and takes away from my focus with this site. But other segments, such as Check This Out, and other regular seasonal anime reviews will continue on a regular basis.
Previously, I’d discussed the podcasting situation to be monthly. That has definitely changed due to scheduling issues! I will try to make podcasts a bimonthly occurrence, but this also depends on who I can get for the show. In the meantime, however, the blog will continue to post on a weekly schedule!
Now the one big thing that will change is how I express my thoughts on reviews; the grading process. How will I do it? Through the very love of my cat. No seriously, that’s how I’m going to start grading anime.
Oh yeah, just when you thought I couldn’t be anymore of a ridiculous human being, I pulled this out of the magic shoe!
As you can see these adorable emojis already convey a lot of emotions. Most of them can explain how I feel in a stable relationship! But instead of using them for selfish purposes, I’m going to use these emojis the same way we use a star-rating system.
It’ll be out of 5; because just like big balls of gas, they are usually measured out of 5. For example: 3 Elliots out of 5. Whether or not that’s a good reading, I’ll leave up to you. However, the emotions will tell you how I personally felt towards the anime. It’ll look something like this:
One Piece Rating
Super Lovers Rating
And this can also apply with half-emojis as well! For example:
Charlotte Rating
Cory in the House
Got it memorized? And don’t worry, I will be posting this on the About page as well, so if you do forget you can just look there for instructions!
Pretty simple, as you can see. And it’ll be very easy to use in practice. I figure you’re all tired of seeing the same thing over and over again, so it’s time to freshen up the place with something a little different and adorable.
I also would like to thank Adam Barba for the art work. Really, Ashley’s Anime’s design would have not been a reality without them! They not only made my previous logo for Geekery Gears and my new logo, but they also made all the adorable Elliot emojis you see above! Check them out on Twitter and Instagram, I promise you will not be disappointed. They have serious talent!
New posts and reviews will be coming soon, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, enjoy all the obvious hentai you’re looking at when you’re not reading my lovely words!
Let me know what you guys think of the blog’s reboot below! Do you like the kitties? Don’t lie, you like the kitties!
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